How much time is taken by Turkey post to India.
Hi, There I am Sanjay. Recently I order a product from aliexpress from a Chinese seller. I order a mini camera ( SQ11 Mini DV camera). The video is below of this blog. Because the product is having a Battery. The product is not directly shipped by him from China to India. He ships from China to Turkey to India as a redirected route.
The Shipment detail is below
Every Detail is given in the tracking screenshot. The product takes 14 days to deliver to its destination. You don't need to hassle about your order it takes its own time. 20 days is normal for China shipment to come to India.
Link For SQ11 Mini DV camera:-
NOTE:- To be really safe, don't buy anything that looks like it is worth a lot. Customs will screw you over pretty much instantly. This includes things like mobiles, tablets, mini computers, drones, smartwatches, TVs and whatnot. If you're really determined because the prices are "too good", I'd advise quitting either AliExpress or India, because there is no way you're going to be able to guarantee delivery AND a fair customs price.
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The Shipment detail is below
Registered post has to be delivered since they get paid if delivery is successful.
Just ask the seller to send it via registered post only as soon as you place an order.
Some sellers give you the option to choose it before checkout, some may provide it after you contact them.
Seller may or may not ask for extra. I paid 50-150rs for shipping via registered post depending on the size of the product.
The tracking ID of the registered post will start with "R" (another letter, it is not registered) and it gets updated on Indian post tracking system in 2-3 days.
Not sure, but AliExpress standard shipping may send it via registered post but always look for "R" at the start of tracking ID.
product pics and condition belowLink For SQ11 Mini DV camera:-
NOTE:- To be really safe, don't buy anything that looks like it is worth a lot. Customs will screw you over pretty much instantly. This includes things like mobiles, tablets, mini computers, drones, smartwatches, TVs and whatnot. If you're really determined because the prices are "too good", I'd advise quitting either AliExpress or India, because there is no way you're going to be able to guarantee delivery AND a fair customs price.
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